Individual Variability of Rate of Physiological Processes in Bivalve Mussels

E. F. Vasechkina1, I. I. Kazankova2

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Institute of natural and technical systems, Russia, Sevastopol


The variability of the functional parameters of bivalve mussels is studied on the basis of own and literary experimental data. The measurements of filtration rates, respiration, excretion, production energy, linear and weight growth of mussels functioning under different conditions are analyzed. A power-law dependence of the coefficient of variation of measurements on the average value in the sample was revealed. The power factor for all parameters varied from – 0.3 to – 1.0.


ecological modeling, coefficient of variation, filtration rate, respiration, excretion, growth



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