Transformation of Waves on the Downloaded Ledge Using Physical and Mathematical Assimulation

D. V. Korzinin

P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow, Russia


The effect of submarine structures with a significant deepening on the transformation of waves is investigated. Using a physical modeling in the wave flume and a numerical model SWASH, changes in the wave height and its period under the influence of a submarine construction are estimated. A wide range of wave regimes, investigated at 1:20 scale with a limited number of wave sensors on the physical model in the wave flume, is analyzed again using a numerical model. This made it possible to obtain the wave parameter change in real scale and with an expanded number of sensors, which is important on practice. The possibility of reducing the wave height by 60% and the wave period by 25% at different ratios of the wave regime parameters and the construction is revealed.


underwater structures, coefficient of transformation, change of wave period

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