Parameters of Turbulent Exchange of Surface and Deep-Water Currents in the Black Sea

A. E. Pogrebnoy

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The spatial distributions of surface and deep-water currents in the Black Sea are analyzed. Thereto the kinematic parameters of the drifters and the self-contained floating buoy-profilers according to the Global Data Center of the International Program "ARGO" were used. Dependences on the depth of the current velocity modulus, meridional Kv and zonal Ku coefficients of turbulent exchange, and Ku/Kv exchange anisotropy index are obtained. It is shown that as the depth increases from the surface to 1500 m, the kinetic energy of current field decreases, which is accompanied by a decrease in the meridional (1,1·103 m2/s > Kv > 0,04·103 m2/s) and zonal (1,9·103 m2/s > Ku > 0,12·103 m2/s) exchange coefficients, while the exchange anisotropy (Ku > Kv) is conserved.


the Black Sea, turbulent exchange, drifters, self-contained buoy-profilers

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