Estimations of Statistical Parameters of Wind Regime in the Crimean Region in 2005-2016

V. A. Ivanov, A. Kh. Khaliulin, T. V. Plastun, I. G. Shokurova, T. E. Kasyanenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The statistical parameters of wind are calculated, compared and analyzed according to data performed in different Crimean regions in 2005-2016. The annual variations of wind current, the repeatability of wind direction and current as a function of direction are studied. Differences in the wind direction and current due to the geographical location of observation posts are revealed. On average, the highest wind current is recorded in the Karkinitsky Bay; the smallest one is in the Katsiveli. In the eastern region, the wind rose has a seasonal character. The coefficients of asymmetry and excess for the wind current distribution are calculated, it is revealed differences in wind parameters at different observation posts.


wind current, wind direction, repeatability of wind direction and current

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