Assessment Pollution Export of Organochlorine Pesticides by the Rivers to the Sea of Azov

R. Ya. Min’kovskaya

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


A method for assessment of pollution export of organochlorine pesticides with river drain to the Sea of Azov is offered with various discretization on nonequidistant series of observations of organochlorine pesticides concentration in the water and drain of the rivers. Unlike in the existing techniques, toxic chemicals were calculated on a median, not an arithmetic average, taking into account repeatability of their detection, and also on dependences between drainage of pesticides and water drainage. Comparative analysis of the results obtained in different ways, and satisfactory convergence of calculated and field data testify the possibility of application of the method for balance assessment and research of small-scale variability of drain of pesticides to the seas.


analysis of the techniques, method of assessment, export of pesticides to the Sea of Azov

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