Spatial Structure of Sediment Flow in the Coastal Zone of the Western Crimea on According Numerical Simulation

L. V. Kharitonova, V. V. Fomin

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The sand transport in the coastal zone of the Western Crimea with a spatial resolution of 200 m was simulated under stationary storm waves. Patterns of sediment flows for different storm situations were obtained. It was revealed that the main movement of mediumsized sediment is carried out up to 10 - 15 m depth. The maximum intensification of the sediment flow occurs at the south-west wind. The dependence of the intensity of sediment transport in a certain area on the shoreline orientation with respect to incoming wave direction was confirmed.


simulation, coastal zone, sediment consumption, sediment flow, Crimean coast, the Black Sea

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