Statistical Analysis of Village Lubimovka Beach Coastline Variability

V. V. Dolotov, Y. N. Goryachkin, A. V. Dolotov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


НThe statistical analysis of Lyubimovka village beach coastline displacements, based on satellite images of the Crimean coast during 2009 – 2014 was performed with using DSAS analysis module within the ESRI ArcGIS Desktop application. As a result, it is shown that during this period the coastline has receding in general with an average speed of 1,4 m/year. At the same time in the southern beach part an accumulation was observed, in the central and northern parts an erosion was detected. During 2009 – 2014 coastline position had the considerable interannual and seasonal variations. It is important to note that DSAS unit provides the significant advantages in the data preparation and analysis over the traditional ways.


coastline, variability, statistical analysis, Lyubimovka village, Crimea

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