Assessment of Simulation Quality Based on Marine In Situ Measurements of Wind Waves in the Coastal Southern Crimea

E. V. Skiba, M. V. Shokurov, V. A. Dulov, V. E. Smolov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia<


The work is devoted to the wave model verification based on in situ data obtained with the stationary oceanographic platforms in the Katsiveli. The wave WAM model and mesoscale atmospheric MMS and WRF models, which were used to calculate a wind field 62for the wave model, have been adapted to the Black Sea region in recent years. For a correct comparison a calculations with observations the special approach based on the semi-empirical conception of wave development is suggested. The results are presented as simulation quality parameters used in the world practice for other regions. It was found that the dispersion index for the height of significant waves is about 70 per cent in summer and 50 per cent in winter. The scattering indexes for the wave parameters and wind speed are at the same level as for the semi-enclosed seas on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea.


wave model, regional atmospheric model, simulation quality of wave parameters and wind speed, sources of errors in simulation of meteo and wave parameters, in situ measurements of wind waves in the coastal southern Crimea, the Azov-Black Sea region

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