Numerical Experiments on the Black Sea Deep-Water Circulation Research with the Marine Hydrophysical Institute Ocean Model

N. V. Markova, О. A. Dymova, S. G. Demyshev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


Simulating results of the Black Sea deep-water current reconstruction are analyzed. Calculations are provided on the basis of the nonlinear z-coordinate Marine Hydrophysical Institute ocean model with taking into account the climatic atmospheric forcing and atmospheric reanalysis data for 2006, 2010 and 2013. In the simulated velocity fields at the depths more than 1000 m the current is detected to extend along the continental slope in the direction opposite to the Rim Current (countercurrent). In the climatic fields the counter current exists during the spring and summer in the north Black Sea. In the experiments with real atmospheric forcing the countercurrent is found as well, it exists as separate streams in various continental slope areas and at all seasons.


simulation modelling, deep circulation, climatic currents, countercurrent, Black Sea

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