Temporal Variability of Deposition Of Beryllium-7(7Be) on the Underlying Surface in Sevastopol

D. A. Kremenchutskii, G. F. Batrakov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The paper presents the results of 7Ве concentrations monitoring in the surface atmosphere and in the rain water in Sevastopol region from 2011 to 2015. Interannual variability of these parameters over the observation period is studied. The issues related to forecasting of 7Be deposition from the atmosphere to the underlying surface are discussed. The relationship between the 7Be scavenging coefficient, amount and intensity of precipitation are investigated for the different nature of rainfall.


Beryllium-7 (7Be), surface atmosphere, heavy rains, heavy precipitation, scavenging coefficient, Sevastopol

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