Analysis of Azov Sea Level Variability by Self Organization Maps on Altimetry Data

E. E. Lemeshko1, A. A. Polozok2, E. M. Lemeshko1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Sevastopol Branch of the N.N. Zubov State Oceanographic Institute, Sevastopol, Russia


The self organizing maps method is used for analysis and classification of the Azov sea level field with the aim of the sea level anomaly values identification, determination of storm events frequency and typification of spatial variability of sea surface height. The method was applied for analysis of daily AVISO altimetry data and six hour sea level measurements on four tide gauges of the Sea of Azov. The results of altimetry data validation versus tide gauges of the Sea of Azov give sufficient agreement for daily data and may be used for investigation of spatial-temporary variability of Azov sea level since daily till synoptic scales. The self organizing map method application allows to identify the types of sea level spatial variability that are representative for intensive storm surge events period which are agreed with tide gauge observations as well as Don River delta.


sea level, storm surge, Kohonen maps, Don River delta, altimetry

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