Study Properties of Aerosols over the Black Sea During the Dust Storm Of 2015

D. V. Kalinskaya, V. V. Suslin

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The satellite images AQUA and TERRA MODIS and in situ data of optical characteristics of the dust aerosol usind AERONET network during the removal of dust aerosol in the autumn 2015 are analyzed. The optical properties of aerosols in the atmospheric column are described, and the dynamics of the spatial variability of distribution, dust particle size distribution are analyzed. The data obtained on the stations Galata Platform, Gloria, Eforie, Kuwait_University and Sevastopol during the transport of dust aerosol is compared. The parameters of spatial variability of aerosol on the different heights during the transport of dust storm are determined.


the Black Sea, AERONET, dust aerosol, Angstrom parameter, satellite images, particle size distribution

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