Modelling of Hydrofront Forming on the Danube Mouth Area

M. V. Tsyganova1, E. M. Lemeshko1,2, Yu. N. Ryabcev1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Black Sea Hydrophysical Proving Ground of RAS, Katsiveli, Russia


The Danube river inflow influence on the hydrological structure of the shelf waters and circulation features on the western Black Sea shelf is studied on the basis of numerical modeling. The 3-D σ-coordinate numerical model ECOMSED, which was adapted to the shelf and estuarine conditions, is used for circulation computation in the coastal zone and sediment transport. Model parameters were chosen as appropriate for the Danube delta region in the Black Sea. The number of numerical experiments was fulfilled for investigation of real configuration the Black Sea coastal line influence on formation process of coastal hydrological front and buoyancy current.


shelf, coastal dynamics, baroclinic current, river inflow, hydrofront, numerical modelling, the Danube, the Black Sea

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