Negative Forms of Bottom Relief off the Coast of Western Crimea

L. V. Kharitonova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


Using the high-resolution digital model of bottom relief the morphometric parameters of the western coast of Crimea relief are analyzed. The features of the main morphological structures are determined; it allowed completing the available information about underwater erosion forms near the Crimean coast. According to the bottom relief peculiarities along the western Crimea coast four pools of local accumulation are selected, namely: Karkinitsky, Donuzlav, Yevpatory and Sevastopol. The conclusion is that the opposite of almost all water-currents and land bars, as well as on the submarine continuation of beams, forming estuaries, are located sandy lowering and chanals, reaching out to shallow water from the upper reaches of the canyons. The received results are confirmed by the high-resolution satellite images.


the Black Sea, bottom relief, submarine canyons, coastal zone, satellite image

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