Peculiarities of Water Exchange through the Kerch Strait according to In Situ Data

N.N. Dyakov1, I.N. Fomina1, ΠΆ.Yu. Timoshenko1, A.A. Polozok1,2

1 Sevastopol Branch of the N.N. Zubov State Oceanographic Institute, Sevastopol, Russia

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The results of special cruises research of water dynamic in the Kerch Strait northern narrow (Crimea Port Caucasus Port) are analyzed from 1975 up to 2013. To calculate the water discharges the grid with a resolution of 1 m vertically and 20 m horizontally is used. The average monthly, annual average and maximum water discharge through the Strait narrow are estimated quantitatively. In case maximum water discharges the wind current fields and sea level in the Kerch Strait are investigated.


Kerch strait, section Crimea Caucasus, water discharge, sea level trends, currents

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