Аdaptive Model of Recreational Attractiveness of the Crimean Coastal Zone

I. Е.Тimchenko, Е. М. Igumnova, S. M. Solodova, Yu. I. Nikiforov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


Adaptive ecological and economic model of recreational resources is used to study the recreational attractiveness of the Crimea. The model is constructed by the adaptive balance of causes (ABC-method) and is used to analyze the conditions of recreational services, where their profitability is maintained, taking into account the cost of environmental protection. It was estimated how clean technologies of recreational services lift the investment attractiveness of recreation objects and how the weather changes influence them. Spatial distributions of the cost of recreational resources and profitability of recreational services were built for the coastal zone of Crimea.


adaptive ecological and economic model, recreational attractiveness

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