General requirements

General requirements

The Journal admits original academic papers (in Russian and English) that are in line with the Journal’s specialization and provide results of the authors’ theoretical and/or experimental research. The submitted material must be new, original, not published before in any other printed or electronic titles nor submitted for review and publication to any other journals.

By submitting a manuscript to the editorial board the author undertakes to abstain from publishing thereof, in whole or in part, in any other journal without the editors’ written consent.

Articles that disagree with the journal’s topic or are prepared with violation of the established rules is not admitted for consideration.

The Journal publishes only peer-reviewed articles.

The editorial board checks the article for borrowings using the Antiplagiat system. In case of detection of the publication ethics violations, namely: plagiarism (borrowings without references to the source), original text percentage less than 90%, duplicate publication, improper author attribution, the article is not admitted for consideration. In case the fact of the publication ethics violation has been revealed upon the Journal release, the article is retracted, the author(s) is(are) informed thereof, and a written notification is published on the Journal’s website and in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). When considering questionable cases, the Journal is governed by the COPE and ASEP guidelines.

Articles are published as available. The only reason for unscheduled publication (the appropriate decision is made by the editorial board) is an exclusive importance of the report. A Journal issue may contain no more than one article of one author (co-author). The number of publications of one author in the Journal must not exceed two during a calendar year.

The article should be supported by:

  • A referral of the institution where the work has been performed
  • An expert report as to possibility of publication specifying the title and name of the person approved the report and, if needed, with a permit issued by an appropriate department

After the editorial board has accepted the article for publishing, each author/co-author signs an agreement and personal data processing consent form.

Along with an article manuscript it is required to provide its electronic version represented by a file containing the article text in full in .doc or .docx format and files containing figures in .png or .tiff format to the editorial board’s email address: