General information

General information

Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea

Peer reviewed scientific journal.

ISSN 2413-5577

The Journal publishes original research results, review articles (at the editorial board's request) and brief reports.

The Journal aims at publication of results of original scientific research concerning the state and interaction of geospheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere) within coastal and shelf areas of seas and oceans, methods and means of study thereof, ecological state of these areas under anthropogenic load as well as environmental protection issues.

The Journal's editorial board sees its mission as scientific, educational and regulatory work to preserve the ecological balance and restore the resource potential of coastal and shelf areas believing that despite the geographical limitations of the areas under study, the processes taking place within them have a significant impact on the waters of the seas and oceans and economic activity.


  • Share research results with national and foreign experts
  • Improve academic paper quality
  • Provide assistance to scholars (especially young ones) in preprint preparation of articles that meet current requirements of the research and publication ethics
  • Create and develop a scientific basis for ecologically sound environmental management within the coastal and shelf areas of seas and oceans, construction in the coastal area, creation of coastal protection structures, conservation of beaches and recreational areas, preparation of a theoretical basis for developing scientifically justified recommendations to local state authorities taking decisions when planning and implementing environmental protection measures
  • Draw the general public’s attention to environmental protection issues

The Journal publishes original research materials, results of research performed by national and foreign scientific institutions in the coastal and shelf zones of seas and oceans, review articles (at the editorial board's request) and brief reports on the following major topics:

  • Scientific basis for complex use of shelf natural resources
  • Marine environment state and variability
  • Coastal area state and variability; coast protection structures
  • Monitoring and estimates of possible effects of anthropogenic activities
  • Development and implementation of new marine environment control and monitoring technologies

The outcome of the research is information on the status, variability and possible effects of anthropogenic activities in the coastal and shelf marine areas, as well as the means to perform calculations and to provide information for making decisions on the implementation of activities in the coastal zone.

Articles published in the Journal may be of interest for scholars working in the field of geosciences and studying the Earth’s geographical envelopes and their interaction as well as for the non-specialist audience who care about environmental protection and sustainable nature management issues.

Publication frequency: quarterly.

Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea is on the LIST of peer reviewed academic journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, where one may publish main research results of a Ph.D. thesis in the following field:

1.6.14 – Geomorphology and paleography (geographical sciences),

1.6.17 – Oceanology (geographical sciences, physical and mathematical sciences, technical sciences),

1.6.18 – Atmosphere and Climate Sciences (geographical sciences, physical and mathematical sciences,),

1.6.20 – Geoinformatics and cartography (geographical sciences),

1.6.21 – Geoecology (geographical sciences).

The Journal is indexed in:

  • Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)

  • Google Scholar

  • Scopus

Journal Coverage: the Russian Federation, other countries.

Publication Languages: Russian, English

Subscription is taken at post offices according to the online-catalogue “Pressa po Podpiske”. Subscription index: 93635.


The editorial board provides neither chargeable nor agent services. The Journal does not work with agents. Only authors themselves may submit articles. The authors pay no fee. Acceleration of article publication is not available.

The editorial board does not consider manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to any other journals. Nor does it consider papers, a significant part of which has already been published as an article or part of another paper. In case of the above mentioned situation, the editorial board will be compelled to investigate the case and take measures including retraction of such articles according to COPE Retraction Guidelines and ASEP Article Retraction Rules.

Our history

Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea (Ekologicheskaya Bezopasnost' Pribrezhnoy i Shel'fovoy Zon Morya) Journal has been published since 2018 and succeeds collection of research papers Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea published from 1999 and up to 2015 named Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones and Comprehensive Use of Shelf Resources ISSN 1726-9903 (Ekologicheskaya Bezopasnost' Pribrezhnoy i Shel'fovoy Zon i Kompleksnoe Ispol'zovanie Resursov Shel'fa).

The Journal was founded by academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), professor, director (2000–2014) of Marine Hydrophysical Institute Vitaliy A. Ivanov, who was the Journal's editor-in-chief for over 20 years.

In 2018, collection of research papers Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea was transformed into a same-named scientific journal.

Founder and publisher

Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Federal Research Centre “Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS” (2 Каpitanskaya St., 299011, Sevastopol, Russian Federation)

The Journal is registered as a Russian scientific publication by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Mass media registration certificate ПИ № ФС77-73714 of 21 September 2018). It is also registered as an online publication (Mass media registration certificate Эл № ФС77-82679 of 21 January 2022).

Charter of the editorial board of _Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea_Journal (in Russian), PDF