Prospects for Radar Monitoring of Wind Speed, Wind Wave Spectra and Velocity of Currents from an Oceanographic Platform

Yu. Yu. Yurovsky, V. V. Malinovsky, A. E. Korinenko*, L. А. Glukhov, V. A. Dulov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The article aims to present the prospects of radar monitoring of the marine environment from an oceanographic platform located near the village of Katsiveli on the South coast of Crimea at the Black Sea hydrophysical sub-satellite test site of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Operation of the radar station from the platform in Katsiveli would allow continuous round-view mode recording of the wind speed fields, wind wave spectra, and a current velocity vector in the water area of a 1 km radius with a resolution of up to 100 meters. The paper describes approaches and problems in estimating wind speed fields, wind wave spectra, and current velocity vectors using a navigation radar. It is shown that the already known methods developed in satellite and ship radar are suitable for the reconstruction of the mentioned fields from the radar signal if we use the results of wind wave-breaking studies carried out from the Katsiveli platform. The approaches were tested in autumn 2022 from the Katsiveli platform using radar stations MRS-1011 (X-band, electromagnetic wavelength 3 cm) and MRS-3000 (Ka-band, electromagnetic wavelength 8 mm). Both stations have power and Doppler channels, horizontal polarizations of emission and reception, and perform all-around scanning of the water area at grazing angles to the sea surface not exceeding 10°. The specialized experiment included the radar operation simultaneously with the standard equipment of the platform, and data processing was based on the described recovery algorithms. As a result of the experiment, it is shown that the recovered frequency spectra of wind waves agree with the spectra measured with a conventional string wave recorder, the recovered spatial fields of wind and currents meet the traditional concepts, and the field of currents agrees qualitatively with the Doppler channel data. The data obtained with radar stations demonstrate the possibility of recovery of wind speed fields, vectors of the velocity of currents, and wave frequency spectra in a water area with a radius of about 1 km with a spatial resolution of tens of meters. Radar monitoring from the Katsiveli platform provides a technical base for studies of air-sea interactions and wave-current interactions and for the development and validation of satellite technologies and regional models of the marine environment.


radar, sea surface, normalized radar cross-section, Doppler spectrum, scatte- rometry, wave spectra, current velocity, in situ measurements, monitoring, oceanographic platform


The work was performed under state assignment of MHI RAS on topics no. FNNN-2021-0005 and no. FNNN-2021-0004.

For citation

Yurovsky, Yu.Yu., Malinovsky, V.V., Korinenko, A.E., Glukhov, L.А. and Dulov, V.A., 2023. Prospects for Radar Monitoring of Wind Speed, Wind Wave Spectra and Velocity of Currents from an Oceanographic Platform. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (3), pp. 40–54.


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