N. N. Dyakov*, Yu. A. Malchenko, A. E. Lipchenko
Sevastopol Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “N.N. Zubov State Oceanographic Institute”, Sevastopol, Russia
* e-mail: dyakoff@mail.ru
A landscape feature of Crimea and the Kerch Peninsula is the presence of a large number of hypersaline lakes and bays, many of which are valuable reserves of therapeutic muds. The article summarizes the results of the hydrological and hydrochemical field studies conducted by the Sevastopol Branch of State Oceanographic Institute in 2015–2022 in the area of hypersaline Koyashskoye Lake located within Natural Reserve Opuksky. Hydrological studies of the lake included the determination of its morphometric characteristics and calculation of the main components of the water balance. Hydrochemical studies included the analysis of samples of brine and bottom sediments. The mineralization of the lake water was measured using different methods. Besides, the following indicators were identified in the samples: dissolved oxygen content and biochemical oxygen demand for five days, pH and total alkalinity, nutrient and pollutant (anionactive surfactants, petroleum, heavy metals) contents. The microelement composition of brine and pollution of bottom sediments were assessed. It was determined that the lake water balance input is formed mainly from atmospheric precipitation and filtration of the Black Sea water through the bay-bar. The major water balance output is evaporation. During an in situ experiment using a ground evaporator GGI-3000 and automatic weather station, evaporation for hypersaline waters was estimated and a formula for its calculation was determined. It was found that high concentrations of inorganic forms of phosphorus and nitrogen characterize the waters of Koyashskoye Lake. In summertime, oxygen concentrations can fall to hypoxic values. The bottom sediments of the lake were polluted with zinc, the concentration of which exceeded the maximum permissible concentration.
Koyashskoye Lake, natural reserve Opuksky, water balance, thermohaline structure, hydrochemical regime, pollution
The work was performed on the topic of state assignment 3.1.2 of the Central Scientific and Technical Center of Roshydromet “Development of methodological recommendations for taking into account climate information in the formation of sectoral plans for adaptation to climate change”. The authors are grateful to the staff of the Sevastopol branch (SB) of SOI for their help: A. A. Polozok for calculating the area of the lake, O. V. Levitskaya for editing the text, A. A. Belogudov for arranging the drawings, S. A. Zhilyaev for sampling, S. A. Bobrov and V. Yu. Erkushov for hydrochemical analyses.
For citation
Dyakov, N.N., Malchenko, Yu.A. and Lipchenko, A.E., 2023. Hydrological and hydrochemical regime of hypersaline Koyashskoye Lake (Kerch Peninsula). Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 21–48. doi:10.29039/2413-5577-2023-2-21-48
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