Interannual Variability of Coast Line of the Accumulative Western Crimea Coast (the Yevpatoriysky Cape - the Donuzlav Lake)

Yu. N. Goryachkin

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The geological and geomorphological conditions of the accumulative sandy coast of the Western Crimea located from the Yevpatoriysky Cape to the southern spit of the Donuzlav Lake are considered. This coast has so far developed in natural conditions and has preserved its natural appearance in many respects. Based on satellite and contact measurements, the coastline changes in the last 30 years have been analyzed. Significant interannual changes in the coastline (erosion and accumulation) with a range of up to 30 m were noted. The maximal fluctuations are characteristic in the northwestern coast, where there are the largest beach width and sand thickness on the underwater coastal slope. The most part of coast can be classified as stable, where there is no significant erosion or accumulation trends. It is noted that the coastline location is changed with interannual fluctuations of the Black Sea level. Their value corresponds to the well-known Bruun rule.


accumulative coasts, coastline dynamics, sea level, the Western Crimea



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